Earning with Solar Thermal Collectors and Heat Pumps

So far we have seen how you could make money by installing a photovoltaic system for electricity generation, today we want to focus our attention on solar thermal panels (also solar cooling for cooling), solar collectors and gas or electric heat pumps, biomass boilers, and thermal fireplaces. That is, making money not by producing electricity, […]

Photovoltaic Solar Shingles for Historic Centers

Those who live in the historic centers of cities and towns face landscape constraints that limit the installation of photovoltaic systems on their roofs. In some cases they are so “tight” that the ban is absolute, other times the solar system is only possible if it is “architecturally integrated.” Photovoltaic tiles for historic city centers., […]

How much do you spend on an Implant

Domestic PV systems are the slightly more expensive ones, particularly those with low Kwp powers. This is related to the fact that the cost for installation including safety systems and testing affect more than a large system. So there has remained this tendency to want to install more photovoltaic panels in order to get more […]