Those who live in the historic centers of cities and towns face landscape constraints that limit the installation of photovoltaic systems on their roofs. In some cases they are so “tight” that the ban is absolute, other times the solar system is only possible if it is “architecturally integrated.”
Photovoltaic tiles for historic city centers., while waiting for the commercial development of photovoltaic paint, are able to transform a very ordinary slate roof into a real system capable of producing energy, thanks to the “invisible” incorporation of a photovoltaic panel capable of harnessing solar energy even in places with severe constraints dictated by landscape and/or artistic protections. In this case we are talking about Portuguese photovoltaic tiles, similar to the grooved clay roofing tiles that are used in so many roofs.

What makes photovoltaic roof tiles innovative? This power generation system has an evolved composition and functionality. Thanks to the stand, a ceramic product that integrates a photovoltaic panel. Each tile is electrically connected to the other, eventually resulting in a real photovoltaic system, which, unlike most installations turns out to be in perfect harmony with the building, without altering or disturbing its aesthetics.
The power of a photovoltaic tile is very low, in the ‘order of a few tens of watts, so to get to 3Kw you have to assemble several tiles together. Some solutions involve the use of flexible, crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels that raise the yield.
The benefits are not over. In fact, suffice it to say that each piece goes to reduce C02 emissions by 6.5 kilograms, and the cost of photovoltaic tiles is around 14,000 francs for an average roof capable of providing energy for a family.
Other aspects to consider, are low installation and maintenance costs. This type of facility gives the opportunity to replace broken or damaged parts all the time and integrate new technologies.
Photovoltaic tiles manufacturers
Tesla Photovoltaic Shingles: The US brand has long been active in the photovoltaic industry. He presented the solaroof, or photovoltaic roof. His solution is called “Solarglass” . In this case they are entire black photovoltaic glass panels, looking almost like dark concrete slabs measuring 114 cm long by 38 cm wide. They stand side by side on top of each other on the roof. The California-based company’s system also features POWERWALL TESLA batteries that go into storing the electricity produced during the day.

Rem is one of the manufacturers of solar shingles. The more “pushed” solution allows for total integration with one’s roof. The roof tiles are replaced in their entirety with new ones that contain a thin-film photovoltaic cell inside. Each kwp of power needs about 15 square meters. Price of about 7,000 francs per kw.
Suncol: This company manufactures produces photovoltaic roof tiles in five color variants, moss green, charcoal gray, light gray, terracotta and medium brown, both matte and glossy. They are available in “Laminate without frame” and “with frame” with 40 mm frame in the same color as the laminate. For both of these versions, you can choose the Glass-Glass solution (7.5 mm thickness) or the more economical Glass-Foil solution (3.2 mm + 0.8 mm).